Join us for an unforgettable night of neotango at "Balkanolonga," on the 24th of May 2025, where the passionate rhythms of Balkan music meet the elegance of tango. Don't miss out on this fusion of cultures and dance styles that promises to be a night to remember!
Joun our waiting list for further information...
Pridružite se nam na nepozabnem večeru neotanga na "Balkanolongi" 24.5.2024, kjer se strastni ritmi balkanske glasbe srečajo z eleganco tanga. Ne zamudite te edinstvene fuzije kultur in plesnih stilov, ki obljublja nepozaben večer!
Prijavi v čakalno vrsto, da dobiš nadaljne informacije...
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Radi vas imamo v svojem krogu prijjateljev, a če si kdaj želite pavzo, lahko se odjavite kadarkoli, brez zamere!